Varonis: Improved Microsoft 365 protection for more effective ransomware detection 

Varonis: Improved Microsoft 365 protection for more effective ransomware detection

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Varonis brings new capabilities to reduce data exposure to Microsoft 365. New version reduces Microsoft 365 explosion radius, enables more effective ransomware detection, and reduces collaboration risks.

The new version 8.6 of the Varonis data security platform improves data security when using Microsoft 365 with clear tools for identifying at-risk files and folders with access rights that are too broad, new threat models for defending against ransomware and automatic labeling of sensitive files.

Data security platform in new version

The Varonis data security platform puts data at the heart of protections, helping organizations protect their critical information through automation, enforce zero trust, manage privacy and compliance challenges, and detect modern attacks. With the new functions, security managers are able to effectively protect sensitive data within Microsoft 365. In this way, access rights that are too broad can be quickly identified and reduced in the context of cloud collaboration, and external attacks can be fended off.

What's new in version 8.6

  • Dashboards to visualize data exposure through shared links. Varonis shows how sensitive files, folders or websites are shared in SharePoint Online and OneDrive: whether with specific people, company-wide, with external users or even across the entire Internet. This allows access to be removed or limited immediately, significantly reducing the blast radius.
  • Threat models to detect and defend against ransomware and modern attacks. These detect active ransomware attacks and insider threats and thus protect the Microsoft 365 environment.
  • Advanced remediation capabilities for SharePoint Online and OneDrive sites. IT admins can easily remove risky shared links and take action against overshared information on SharePoint Online and OneDrive sites—regardless of who “owns” the site. This significantly increases data security.
  • Automatic classification and labeling. With the new automatic labeling based on highly precise classification guidelines, SharePoint and OneDrive data can be labeled with Microsoft AIP. In this way, data security policies can be effectively enforced and compliance requirements met.

Version 8.6: Dashboards show data exposure through shared links (Image: Varonis).

“Companies of all sizes use Microsoft 365 to improve collaboration and communication, but unfortunately often, often unknowingly, neglect data protection and data security. This puts their most valuable assets at risk: the data,” explains Michael Scheffler, Country Manager DACH at Varonis. “Microsoft 365 allows users to collaborate directly without the IT department being involved. This hampers visibility and makes managing permissions immensely complex compared to on-premises environments. These challenges require a data-centric approach to prevent data breaches. With Varonis, organizations can better protect their data not only in Microsoft 365, but also in their hybrid cloud environments—with a powerful, proven platform.”

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About Varonis

Since its founding in 2005, Varonis has taken a different approach than most IT security providers by placing company data stored both locally and in the cloud at the center of its security strategy: sensitive files and e-mails, confidential customer, patient and Employee data, financial data, strategy and product plans and other intellectual property. The Varonis data security platform (DSP) detects insider threats and cyber attacks through the analysis of data, account activities, telemetry and user behavior, prevents or limits data security breaches by locking sensitive, regulated and outdated data and maintains a secure state of the systems through efficient automation .,


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