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AI-based cybersecurity tools – a question of trust

Despite the hype: Almost 60 percent of German companies see potential deficiencies in cybersecurity tools based on generative AI as a major problem when dealing with artificial intelligence. A report shows that SMEs are more distrustful here than large companies. The new report entitled "Beyond the Hype: The Businesses Reality of AI for Cybersecurity" by Sophos takes a closer look at the use of AI in cybersecurity and gives tips on how to use the technology correctly. In parallel with the preparation of this report, 2024 IT professionals in Germany were surveyed in December 200 in cooperation with Techconsult...

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Cybersecurity is an illusion
Cybersecurity is an illusion

Everyone from interns to CEOs has heard the long-worn phrase "There is no such thing as 100% cybersecurity". But as with many universally accepted sayings, the crucial question here is: what follows from this? In the context of cybersecurity, the answer should be: a rethink. Absolute security is not only unattainable, it is also unnecessary. The variety of sources of error alone makes it clear that systems can never be fully protected - from zero-day exploits, the exploitation of an as yet undetected vulnerability, and undocumented maintenance access to new attack methods and even human...

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Cybersecurity 2025: Deepfakes, AI-assisted phishing, fraud
Cybersecurity 2025: Deepfakes, AI-powered phishing, fraud Image: Bing - AI

Trend Micro experts warn of an era of hyper-personalized cyberattacks and identity theft in 2025. In their security predictions for the new year, the experts warn of highly individualized, AI-powered fraud, phishing and influence campaigns. The report "The Easy Way In/Out: Securing The Artificial Future" on the predictions for 2025 warns in particular of the potential of malicious "digital twins". Stolen or leaked personal information is used to train a Large Language Model (LLM) that mimics the victim's knowledge, personality and writing style. In combination with fake video and...

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Predicting Cybersecurity Threats from the Darknet
Predicting Cybersecurity Threats from the Darknet

From sophisticated disinformation services to stolen digital identities, smart home vulnerabilities and AI-driven social engineering – these are the main topics currently being discussed in darknet forums. Every December, NordVPN experts predict cybersecurity risks for the coming year. This year, they teamed up with NordStellar Analytics, whose experts analyzed the largest darknet forums to identify the most discussed trending topics. “Although last year’s predictions remain relevant, there has been a noticeable increase in the popularity of various hacking courses and DIY cybercrime kits. In these forums,…

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World's largest white-hacking competition in the automotive sector
World's largest white-hacking competition in the automotive sector

The world's largest white-hacking competition "Pwn22Own Automotive 24" will take place at the Tokyo Big Sight Event Center from January 2025 to 2, 2025. It is a competition for top ethical hackers and cybersecurity experts to research and resolve previously unknown cybersecurity vulnerabilities ("zero-day discovery") in the automotive sector. After the extremely successful premiere in January 2024, in which 49 previously unknown cybersecurity vulnerabilities (zero-day vulnerabilities) were discovered and reported to the respective manufacturers, the second edition of the "Pwn2Own Automotive" competition has now been announced. The event helps to lay a foundation for future cybersecurity in the automotive industry...

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Cybersecurity is gaining priority at the executive level
Cybersecurity is gaining priority at the executive level

A software company's survey of IT and cybersecurity professionals showed that companies are willing to spend more money on cybersecurity. New security tools are a challenge for employees, but they also relieve the burden. AI hype and regulatory pressure determine selection criteria for software solutions for information and cybersecurity. New security incidents are reported every day and several new regulations on IT security are on the horizon: the pressure on companies to give IT security a higher priority is growing. This is reflected in the resources they invest in information and cybersecurity. Last year, only 37 percent of those surveyed did exactly that...

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The ten biggest data breaches in 2024
The ten biggest data breaches in 2024

Data breaches don't just make frequent, attention-grabbing headlines - they're a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities lurking in many networks. For businesses and private users alike, recent data breaches underscore a sobering reality: sensitive information is more at risk than ever before. Healthcare and health-related information have been particularly targeted by cybercriminals. This is shown, among other things, by a list of all incidents reported to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services over the past 24 months. It's notable that these incidents aren't limited to small businesses or specific industries, because even...

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Cyberattacks on healthcare facilities are increasing
B2B Cyber ​​Security ShortNews

A US study on cybersecurity in healthcare has shown that patient well-being is increasingly at risk from cyberattacks. Nine out of ten healthcare facilities have been the victim of a cyberattack in the past twelve months, with consequences affecting patients. Proofpoint, together with the Ponemon Institute, has published the third annual study on cybersecurity in healthcare. The report, entitled "Cyber ​​Insecurity in Healthcare: The Cost and Impact on Patient Safety and Care 2024", shows a worrying increase in cyberattacks in healthcare. Almost 92 percent of the organizations surveyed in…

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AI-supported attacks challenge companies
AI-supported attacks challenge companies

A cybersecurity provider has released the latest results of a survey of IT leaders. The data shows that AI is making it more difficult to detect phishing and smishing attacks. 84 percent of IT leaders acknowledge the increasing challenge. The emergence and continuous development of artificial intelligence (AI) is changing cybersecurity and introducing new complexity in detecting and defending against threats. New research from Keeper Security, a leading provider of zero-trust and zero-knowledge solutions for protecting passwords, passkeys, privileged access and remote connections, shows that while organizations are implementing AI-related policies, they are still failing to…

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Identity security: Many companies are still at the beginning
Identity security: Many companies are still at the beginning

A provider of identity security for companies has presented its latest study "Horizons of Identity Security". Companies with advanced identity security are more open to AI-based solutions, have a lower cyber risk and pay lower cyber insurance premiums. The current 2024-2025 report from SailPoint Technologies shows that most companies are still at the beginning of their identity security journey, while those that have already reached a certain level of maturity achieve an above-average return on investment. Currently, the added value that identity security offers remains largely unused. Of the companies surveyed, around 41 percent are at the beginning of identity development, only...

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