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iPhones: Secret malware discovered – search tool is ready
iPhones: Secret malware discovered – search tool is ready

A few days ago, Kaspersky discovered sophisticated malware on company iPhones. The campaign, dubbed Operation Triangulation, is apparently even more dangerous than, say, Pegasus, with which even heads of state like Macron were overheard. Kaspersky analyzed the malware and released the free triangle_check tool for macOS, Windows and Linux, which looks for the malware infection. It sounds more like something out of a spy film: an APT group develops malware tailored to a specific iPhone vulnerability and uses it to infect the iPhones of a major security provider. The attacker must have unlimited self-confidence. But the attacker didn't...

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Lookout: Turned off iPhones remain vulnerable
B2B Cyber ​​Security ShortNews

iPhones can be vulnerable to threats even when they're turned off, researchers at the Technical University of Darmstadt have found. iPhone function FindMy remains active even when the smartphone is switched off and the processor can be addressed. A comment from Lookout. “Modern mobile devices are extremely complicated and consist of many different computer processors. In general, smartphone users interact the most with the Application Processor (AP) and the Baseband Processor (BP). These processors run most of the operating system and calling functions. However, there are numerous additional processors in the phones, such as B. the Secure Enclave processor…

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iPhone crypto fraud is now escalating in Europe too

Cyber ​​gunners are increasingly targeting European and American users of apps like Tinder and Bumble in order to hijack their iPhones for their machinations. 1,2 million euro loot discovered in just one wallet. Sophos gives the threat the code name CryptoRom. Findings from Sophos indicate that international cyber fraud involving cryptocurrency is escalating. Cyber ​​criminals use popular dating apps like Tinder and Bumble to misuse the iPhones of unsuspecting users for their fraudulent activities. While the attackers had mainly targeted Asian regions in the past, the attacks are now also shifting to Europe ...

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