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Unlawful official requests for information at
B2B Cyber ​​Security ShortNews

The email service from Berlin, which specializes in data protection and data security, has published its annual transparency report on official requests for information for 2023 and is taking stock. The total number of government information requests to rose sharply last year, to a total of 133 compared to 55 the previous year. And the number of requests rejected by due to illegality also rose sharply, from 14 in 2022 to 45 in 2023. This means that around a third (33,8 percent) of all government requests made to were rejected because they contained errors or…

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Why hackers are bombarding users with MFA requests
Why hackers are bombarding users with MFA requests

MFA Prompt Bombing is an effective attack method used by attackers to gain access to a system protected by Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). The attacker sends a large number of MFA approval requests to a user in order to overwhelm them with the requests. One wrong click and an attacker has access. Regardless of the level of MFA Prompt Bombing harassment, the goal is for the user to accept the MFA request and grant access to accounts or provide a way to run malicious code on a targeted system. The security industry views MFA prompt bombing attacks as a…

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