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Ransomware: Horrifying costs, complex, hardly any data return
Ransomware: Horrifying costs, complex, hardly any data return

The Sophos report "The State-of-Ransomware 2021" shows what happens in companies when ransomware attacks occur: Horrific costs, too complex and hardly any data is returned. Ransomware restoration costs an average of around 970.000 euros in Germany - far more than twice as much as in 2020. Sophos announces the results of its global study "The State of Ransomware 2021". Particularly striking: the international average costs for recovery after a ransomware attack have more than doubled in one year, specifically from around 630.000 euros in 2020 (Germany 390.000 euros) to 1,53 million euros in 2021 (Germany 970.000 euros)….

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