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I-Soon: China's state-run foreign hackers exposed 
I-Soon: China's state-run foreign hackers exposed - MS KI

Internally, it is certainly the biggest betrayal of China: an employee of the company I-Soon revealed data and services that were used to attack foreign companies and governments. China denies the issue of foreign hackers, but the leaked data is overwhelming and the disclosure of the tools' capabilities is reminiscent of the day of the Snoden leaks. Now China has its own Snowden. According to research by specialists at Malwarebytes and SentinelOne, this is what happened: Data from a Chinese cybersecurity provider working for the Chinese government revealed a number of hacking tools and services. Although the…

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Report highlights cyber threats to automotive industry
Report reveals cyber threats to automotive industry

Cyber ​​Threats: The 2023 VicOne Automotive Cyberthreat Landscape Report identifies the supply chain as the primary target of increasing cyberattacks on the automotive industry. This also shows a list of cyber-based trends and incidents that have threatened the automotive industry. VicOne has unveiled its new Automotive Cyberthreat Landscape Report 2023. The comprehensive annual report on cyber threats across the automotive industry is based on data from automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), suppliers and dealers worldwide and includes the following key points: Evidence of growing use and monetization of automotive data - and the associated risk of exploitation by cybercriminals A list…

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Many German chambers of crafts remain offline
B2B Cyber ​​Security ShortNews

The IT service provider ODAV was the victim of a cyber attack at the beginning of January. Since the service provider provides many services for the German Chamber of Crafts and also hosts the homepages, the pages have been lying idle for weeks. It is still not clear who attacked the service provider of the German Chambers of Crafts ODAV (first report here on January 11, 2024), but the effects are still obvious. Many websites of the nationwide chambers of crafts are still not accessible or are now operating with hastily set up emergency pages. Although these offer important information, they are far from the old services...

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Hackers: This is the data they are looking for most
Hackers: This is the data they are looking for most

A new report on hackers shows what the thriving black market for stolen data is promoting as top offers: Cryptocurrencies are particularly popular with criminals, as well as data from web browsers such as credit card numbers and access data, which were mostly stolen via infostealers. Trend Micro researchers compared the 16 most active infostealer malware variants (malware used to steal data) on two darknet marketplaces (Russian Market and and created a risk matrix. The study shows how vulnerable data stolen by hackers is once it falls into the hands of other cybercriminals. At…

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Storm-1152: Microsoft defends itself with domain deletions 
B2B Cyber ​​Security ShortNews

Microsoft is using domain deletions to stop the activities of the Storm-1152 group, which sells fraudulent Microsoft accounts and security circumvention tools. 750 million Microsoft accounts have already been put up for sale, bringing the group millions in revenue. Storm-1152 operates illegal websites and social media pages and sells fraudulent Microsoft accounts and identity verification software bypass tools on popular technology platforms. These services reduce the amount of time and effort criminals need to commit a variety of criminal and abusive behaviors online. To date, Storm-1152 has put around 750 million fraudulent Microsoft accounts up for sale, making…

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Medusa Group publishes all Toyota FS data on the dark web
B2B Cyber ​​Security ShortNews

After the Medusa Group's successful attack and data theft on Toyota Financial Services (TFS), the group demanded $8 million to delete the data. Since Toyota didn't pay, all the data is now available on the darknet. The attack on Toyota Financial Services Europe & Africa (TFS) took place on November 14.11.2023, XNUMX. Shortly thereafter, TFS released a notice that all networks had been shut down as a precautionary measure due to unauthorized activity on the systems. Blackmail countdown has expired Shortly after the report by TFS, the Medusa Group published on its leak page...

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Cyber ​​attack: 12 Bavarian communities paralyzed
B2B Cyber ​​Security ShortNews

As various media reports, the “Special purpose association for municipal data processing in the district of Neu-Ulm” was the victim of a cyber attack. As a result, the citizens' offices in 12 municipalities are hardly able to work. According to BR24, the provider should pay a ransom for its data. The website of the municipality of Roggenburg in Bavaria only shows the simple message “Due to a system failure at our data center, services in the municipal administration can currently only be offered to a limited extent.” However, the BR24 portal reports a cyber attack on the “Purpose Association for Municipal Data Processing in the District of Neu-Ulm”. According to the membership directory, 12 communities are affected: Altenstadt, Kellmünz ad….

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Switzerland: Probably sensitive federal data on the Darknet
B2B Cyber ​​Security ShortNews

At the beginning of November, the Swiss software company Concevis was attacked by ransomware, all servers were encrypted and the data was stolen. The software is also used in federal, cantonal and city public administrations. According to, the first data has now appeared on the Darknet via an insider. In addition to Concevis AG, the National Cyber ​​Security Center (NCSC) also provides information about the cyber attack on the systems and which official bodies in the federal government, cantons and cities may be affected because they use Concevis software solutions. The company itself says…

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Cybercriminals use Dropbox for attacks
Cybercriminals use Dropbox for attacks

Business email compromise (BEC) attacks are becoming more and more common. Hackers get into your mailbox via Dropbox. Experts at Check Point Research warn about hackers using Dropbox documents to host credential harvesting websites. In the first two weeks of September, security experts observed 5.550 attacks of this type. Email threats are becoming increasingly popular. In the first half of 2022, email attacks accounted for between 86 and 89 percent of all attacks in the wild. They are, compared to Web-based attacks are increasingly becoming hackers' preferred method of breaking into an environment. This increase in hacking activities…

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