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XDR: Protecting data in Atlassian cloud applications
XDR: Protecting data in Atlassian cloud applications Image: Bing - AI

With a new XDR extension, Bitdefender can now also protect data in Atlassian cloud applications. This makes it possible to monitor, detect and respond to IT security incidents in cloud-based productivity and collaboration solutions. Bitdefender has introduced a new Business Applications sensor for its GravityZone XDR cybersecurity platform. The sensor protects company data hosted and stored in cloud-based productivity and collaboration applications. It will initially support Atlassian cloud applications such as Confluence, Jira and Bitbucket and will later monitor other popular software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms for business processes. Native XDR platform is being expanded The Business Applications sensor extends Bitdefender's native XDR platform GravityZone XDR. Gravity Zone XDR tracks...

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Cyber ​​risk: Dangerous apps in connected vehicles
Cyber ​​risk: Dangerous apps in connected vehicles Image: Bing - AI

As vehicles increasingly transform into a kind of connected transportation, they are increasingly resembling smartphones on wheels and therefore pose new cybersecurity risks. At the heart of this transformation is the software-defined vehicle (SDV). SDVs rely on software rather than hardware to plan and implement their functions, enabling continuous updates and improvements to the vehicle's in-vehicle systems. This software-centric approach not only enables the best customization and flexibility, but also the integration of apps for navigation and entertainment, as well as advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and even...

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Spyware: 32.000 downloads from Google Play
B2B Cyber ​​Security ShortNews

Actually, Google promises with Google Play Protect that it will constantly scan the app store for infected apps. Kaspersky has found 5 apps in the store that contain the malware "Mandrake" and the apps have been available for 2 years. A new spyware campaign was recently discovered by Kaspersky that is spreading the malware "Mandrake" in Google Play. The malware disguises itself as legitimate apps for cryptocurrencies, astronomy or utility tools. Five of the apps found by Kaspersky have been available in Google Play for two years and have been downloaded more than 32.000 times; through...

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Signal and Telegram users: spy on fake apps from China 
Signal and Telegram users: Spying on fake apps from China - Image by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

Chinese hackers are accessing personal user data using fake messenger apps. This includes message content, contact details and call logs. Particularly perfidious: The two bugs disguised as legitimate apps were available via the official app stores Google Play and Samsung Galaxy Store. The applications are still available from the Korean manufacturer. By May 2023, the hackers targeted thousands of users around the world. A main target is Germany. The team led by ESET researcher Lukas Stefanko has discovered the two apps “Signal Plus Messenger” and “FlyGram”, which prove to be legitimate signal...

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Pig butchering scam with AI support
AI-assisted pig butchering scam - photo by Braňo on Unsplash

CryptoRom scammers are expanding their toolbox with AI chat tools such as ChatGPT and fabricated crypto account hacks. In its new report, Sophos explains the "pig butchering" scams. In addition, seven new fake apps for crypto investments have been successfully introduced into the official stores. Sophos has today published new findings on CryptoRom scams. This is a subset of the so-called "pig butchering" (shā zhū pán) scams that aim to trick dating app users into investing in fake cryptocurrency funds. AI tools refine attack techniques The report "Sha Zhu Pan Scam Uses ChatGPT to Target…

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ChatGPT Fake Apps: Expensive subscriptions for zero features

A Sophos report uncovers the rip-off through expensive ChatGPT imitations: The fraud apps continue to thrive due to gaps in the app store guidelines from the current interest in the latest version of the AI-supported language model and benefit with sometimes horrendous subscriptions. Fees . Sophos X-Ops has uncovered various apps on the official Apple and Google stores posing as legitimate ChatGPT-based chatbots, scamming users with obfuscated, often extortionate, fees, and raking in thousands of dollars a month for scammers. Fleeceware: Expensive apps with tons of advertising The report “FleeceGPT Mobile Apps Target…

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Mobile Security Report: 2 new malware apps every minute 
Mobile Security Report: 2 new malware apps every minute

Android smartphone owners are at high cyber risk. Mobile Security: Although the attacks are fewer, they are much better executed. Two malicious apps per minute threatened Android users in the past year. There is no end in sight. When it comes to Android malware, cybercriminals are currently looking for quality over quantity. The current Mobile Security Report from G DATA CyberDefense shows that the downward trend of the first half of 2022 continued in the second half of the year. In the past year, attackers only published two to three apps with malware every minute. In the year…

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Malware in business apps spies on Facebook accounts
B2B Cyber ​​Security ShortNews

According to Facebook, or rather its parent company Meta, it has found over 400 malware-infected Android and iOS apps in the Google and Apple stores. The apps should tap and forward Facebook access data. Interesting: Meta also found many malicious business or ad management apps. This year, Meta security researchers found more than 400 malicious Android and iOS apps designed to steal Facebook credentials and compromise people's accounts. These apps were listed in the Google Play Store and Apple's App Store and classified as games, VPN services, business apps...

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Infected apps in Google Play Store 

Actually, Google checks its apps in the Google Play Store with its own scan service Google Protect, which also automatically checks the apps for malware on every Android device. Kaspersky proves that this does not always work: 190 infected apps were distributed 4,8 million times. They spread the Harly Trojan, which can also quickly end up on a company cell phone. Kaspersky cybersecurity experts have identified a malicious campaign on the Google Play Store with a total of more than 4,8 million downloads of infected applications. In the past two years, cybercriminals have impersonated more than 190 legitimate applications there...

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Enterprise Android apps under test

Europe's largest testing laboratory for antivirus products has examined Android security apps for companies and for individual mobile devices. Its use is recommended, as manufacturers such as ESET or Bitdefender keep finding infected apps in the Google Play Store - despite Google Play Protect. All apps and services were examined in July and August 2022 in realistic tests in the areas of protection, speed (performance), usability (usability) and other functions (features). Some of the apps for companies can be managed within a manufacturer's protection solution or via mobile device management. The laboratory…

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