phone hacked? Dangers for SMEs

phone hacked? Dangers for SMEs

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While the technology of modern smartphones offers great opportunities and convenience for business use, it can also pose a risk to a company's data inventory. Lookout lists key signs to know if your phone has been hacked.

There are countless threats to mobile devices and the data stored on them. With smartphones becoming so widespread, hackers have evolved the way they attempt to access information.

The most common methods for smartphone hacks

  • Text Messages: Malware and viruses are often spread via text messages. Malware is short for "malicious software" and is used by hackers to infect devices and find information about them. This malicious software is usually sent to recipients as a link in a text message. The texts usually contain very persuasive information, followed by a link that entices the recipient to click. For example, it might look like a message from your own bank saying, "There's an update for your account. Click here to see them". If you click on such a link, you may be redirected to a webpage that asks you to download software, which is actually a form of malware.
  • Device and application permissions: When you download an application, you may be asked to authorize access to certain data. Grant the application permission to access your sensitive data – e.g. Your data could be at risk if the application is malicious or shares your data with unsafe third-party services.
  • Social Media Scams: Phishing attacks can be spread through social media channels. Sometimes, messages, ads, or social media posts contain an unsafe link that tempts people to click on it. Make sure to only add friends you know on your social media and never click on a link sent by a stranger.
  • Emails: Email fraud is a common way hackers try to gain access to personal information. A phishing email can contain a fake message about your finances or a fake receipt for a product you never paid for. Phishing emails can be very sophisticated, designed to trick you into clicking a link or downloading malware to waive fees or learn more about the message. By downloading the malware, you might give hackers access to sensitive information on your smartphone.

How users can tell if their smartphone has been hacked

Has the smartphone been hacked? Does the device behave strangely? Maybe you've noticed strange apps, or the battery is draining faster than usual. While these activities don't always mean a smartphone is compromised, they can be an important indicator that the device is compromised and data is at risk.

When users are unsure if a device has been hacked, they should look out for a few key signs:

  • It's slower than usual: It's normal for smartphones to slow down over time, but it shouldn't happen overnight. If you notice that your phone is noticeably slower than usual, it could mean that there is malware or a virus on your phone. When malicious programs are downloaded onto your phone, they can steal storage space and processing power, slowing down everything else.
  • Pop-up ad is displayed: Cell phone viruses often hide behind annoying pop-up ads. While pop-up ads are sometimes normal when browsing the Internet, malicious ads can also appear when you visit a trusted website or in applications where they don't normally appear. If you notice more pop-up ads than usual, it could be a sure sign of a virus running in the background.
  • Your battery drains faster: If your battery suddenly drains faster than usual, it could be a sign of a hack. Sometimes the battery drains after a major update or when your phone is old, but that shouldn't happen overnight. Malware and spyware programs run in the background when you are not actively using your phone, which can quickly drain your battery life. If you use an iPhone or an Android device, you can check how the battery consumption is made up in your settings. In this way you can determine whether unknown programs are running in the background.
  • Unusual activity on accounts linked to the phone: If you receive an alert about suspicious activity on your smartphone, it could be a sign of a hacked phone. Unusual activity can be hackers using your social media accounts to send strange messages or post with malicious links.
  • You notice duplicate apps: Hackers sometimes use duplicate fake apps to trick smartphone users into opening a link or downloading malware. If you find that you have more than one app on your phone's screen, it could be a sure sign of a hacker. Fake apps can look almost exactly like the real ones. So be careful and don't open any duplicate apps that you notice.

There are other signs of a hacked phone such as: B. reduced quality of screenshots, unusually high data consumption and random crashes of apps. If users notice any of these signs, they can take immediate steps to protect their device by downloading a security tool that scans their device for risks and eliminates threats.

What to do if a smartphone has been hacked?

If a device has been hacked, there are ways to protect yourself. As a first step, users can uninstall suspicious applications, update their passwords and set up two-factor authentication for their online accounts. You can also contact mobile security experts who can help you remove malware and install security software to prevent the problem from reoccurring.

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About Lookout

Lookout co-founders John Hering, Kevin Mahaffey, and James Burgess came together in 2007 with the goal of protecting people from the security and privacy risks posed by an increasingly connected world. Even before smartphones were in everyone's pocket, they realized that mobility would have a profound impact on the way we work and live.


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